
How To Avoid Employee Retaliation Claims

Massachusetts employment lawyer Robert M. Shea writes in a recent article on retaliation claims, that such claims now account for 37% of all claims filed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). He cites two reasons: the laws have broadened the scope of those protected against retaliation, and that by their nature, retaliation claims have a higher success rate when compared to other types of claims such as harassment.

Shea offers for employers these five steps on how to avoid retaliation claims:
1. Implement a policy prohibiting unlawful retaliation
2. Provide managers and supervisor with training
3. Do not ignore or isolate claimants
4. Consider additional protective measures
5. Closely review subsequent employment actions
Each of these steps is discussed in more detail in the full article. To read the article, click on: Steps to Avoid Claims of Unlawful Retaliation.

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