
Obamacare: Business Mandate Delayed One Year

Announced on the Treasury Notes blog, the Obama administration announced today a one-year delay in applying the employer mandated insurance requirement of the Affordable Health Act (ACA):
"The Administration is announcing that it will provide an additional year before the ACA mandatory employer and insurer reporting requirements begin. This is designed to meet two goals. First, it will allow us to consider ways to simplify the new reporting requirements consistent with the law.  Second, it will provide time to adapt health coverage and reporting systems while employers are moving toward making health coverage affordable and accessible for their employees. Within the next week, we will publish formal guidance describing this transition.  Just like the Administration’s effort to turn the initial 21-page application for health insurance into a three-page application, we are working hard to adapt and to be flexible about reporting requirements as we implement the law."
To read the full announcement, go to the Treasury Notes blog post here: Continuing to Implement the ACA in a Careful, Thoughtful Manner.

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